
Australia's Leading Cabinet Vision Support Partner

Helping You Take Design to the Next Level

Import your project from CABINET VISION

We now can provide your customers with the ability to truly visualize the amazing designs you create like never before. Vortek Spaces comes preloaded with all the textures, appliances and so much more

Bring Your Designs to Life

Vortek Spaces offers a unique ease of use allowing you to focus on creation and selling your projects. Ability to change materials live from an extensive ready-to-use manufacturers material library to confirm design choices right away. Create images, videos, 3D walkthroughs and more in no time.

Lighting & Reflections - Easy & Efficient !

Create stunning videos and other medias in a few minutes: point of view images within seconds, videos and 360 videos walkthroughs within minutes.

Share images, videos and others to your customers in an email or through social networks such as Facebook and YouTube with only one click!

Mitech will teach you how to use Vortek Spaces.

Ready to learn and we are ready to teach. After a few sessions with Mitech, we will teach you the best practices to follow to ensure that you are producing amazing 3D rendering in no time.

Discover how to turn your project into a live 3D interactive experience in no time!

Capitalize on the benefits that VORTEK Spaces delivers to your design and sales experience.

Lets Get Started

Access a 15-day free trial when you sign up for a plan.

Coming Soon...

Helping your business grow with CABINET VISION & VORTEK Spaces